At P'tit Clown, we celebrate from father to son

In December 2014, Christophe Jombart took over the company created by his father in 1977. It all started with a shop of festive items in Saint Lô, before becoming a B2B importer in Guilberville bringing together around thirty employees.
Christophe began his career at Unilever before becoming a sales representative at P'tit Clown. Nothing beats hands-on learning and customer knowledge !
He will therefore have spent 5 years as an employee of the company before becoming its CEO.
In France, 83% of VSEs, SMEs, ETIs or groups are family businesses, according to a report by the Institut Montaigne published in 2020. The French economy is full of them: Yves Rocher, Bonduelle, Seb, LDC, Lactalis, Groats…
According to Ouest-France, these family businesses are particularly resilient to the crisis !